About the Conference

Accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals Achievement

The international conference Paving the Way to the Pact of the Future is the first SDSN Portugal flagship project since its creation in June 2023. It will join national and international experts to make a contribution to the Summit of the Future; and to mobilize the higher education sector and innovators, together with the Portuguese society in general, to the urgency and opportunities of sustainable development. Transforming education, the meaningful youth engagement and measuring beyond GDP are the enablers in the spotlight, for which three think tanks groups have been working in the last months. During the Conference the Sustainable Development Report 2024 by UN SDSN will be launched.

See program
What will be discussed

Conference Themes

The need to Transform Education across the educational system (content, actors, models and learning methodologies) aims to generate the knowledge and skills necessary for transformations towards a safe, fair and sustainable world. More Information HERE.

Think Tank group:

  • Anabela Pedroso, former State Secretary for Justice and Marta Ferreira, former head of Unit of EC Erasmus Program (Coordinators)
  • António Câmara, Professor NOVA University Lisbon
  • Helena Freitas, Professor Coimbra University
  • Sandra Caeiro, Vice-rector Aberta University
  • Beverly & Etienne Wenger-Trayner, Theory of Social Learning consultants
  • Vânia Sousa, Researcher Algarve University
  • Miguel Cabrera, Researcher Algarve University


Questions under discussion:


Why are current education systems unable to respond to the systemic transformations necessary to achieve sustainable development goals? What changes should be promoted to train future leaders and professionals with the aim of accelerating sustainable development?

What do young people expect from the education system? What role does non-formal education play in conjunction with formal curricula?

What education aspects this transformation should focus on? Examples include: curricula that promote an attitude aligned with multilateralism and sustainable development; learning models and teachers that encourage creativity and talent; innovative approaches to addressing the challenges and complexity of real life and the uncertainty of the future; the use of digital tools and artificial intelligence and more practice-oriented experimental models.

The effective mobilization and integration of young people in decision-making and policy-making processes with an impact on the 2030 Agenda requires specific mechanisms and processes that are important to identify. More information HERE) .

Think Tank group:

  • Tiago Brandão Rodrigues, former Minister of Education and Silvia Vermelho, Portuguese Institute of Sports and Youth (Coordinators)
  • Sofia Barbeiro, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
  • Inês Alexandre, President LIDERA community
  • Ana Fontoura, former State Secretary for Energy and Climate Action
  • Catarina Barreiros, Coletivo Matéria Association
  • Edna Costa, Professor Minho University
  • Francisco Cordeiro de Araújo, Founder of os230.org.
  • Joana Moscoso, Native Scientist
  • Rita Saias, former President of the National Youth Council
  • Rui Oliveira, President of National Youth Council
  • João Figueirinhas Costa, Co-founder of Next Generation Academy


Questions under discussion:


How to expand and strengthen the participation of young people in social activism, particularly in organizations led by and focused on young people; and in local communities and civil society organizations as agents and/or as beneficiaries and leaders in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda?

How to promote intergenerational partnerships that allow the integration of young people into communities and NGOs?

How to ensure the right to meaningful participation of young people, whatever their socio-economic situation and distance from decision-making centers, for their political, economic and social integration?

What mechanisms should be implemented to ensure the recognition of young people’s perspectives in decision-making and policy-making processes, namely codecision and co-management and participatory monitoring and evaluation mechanisms?

The need for new metrics, in addition to GDP, to measure the development of countries, considering vulnerability, well-being and sustainability, among other aspects, is essential for progress to be in line with the 2030 Agenda. More information HERE.

Think Tank group:

  • Joaquim Oliveira Martins, Counsellor CEPII Paris (Coordinator)
  • José Manuel Henriques, Professor ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon
  • Miguel J. Martins, Champion in Chief, MJM Advisors & Advisor, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), World bank Group
  • Susana Fonseca, ZERO – Association for the Sustainability of the Earth System
  • Jeroen C.J.M. van den Bergh, Reseracher at ICREA – Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies
  • Nuno Gaspar Oliveira, CEO and founder of NBI- Natural Business Intelligence
  • Gabriel Leite Mota, Professor Instituto Superior Serviço Social do Porto


Questions under discussion:


What progress has been achieved and what bottlenecks have been identified in implementing a new approach to measuring social progress, following the 2009 Stiglitz-Sem-Fitoussi Commission Report?

How to encourage effective political commitment to implement an evaluation framework focused on people, ensuring participatory processes in the transformations necessary to respect human life and the planet, and in solidarity and reducing inequalities?

How to build a robust scientific and technical process, based on credible and disaggregated datasets, and how to ensure the necessary resources for a new reference framework to measure the development of countries?

  • 41
  • 02
  • 05
    Plenary Sessions
  • 04


Programa detalhado da conferência Paving the Way to The Pact of the Future.

Conference in Portuguese and English, both in-person and online modes.

08:45 1

09:30 2
Openning Session

João Sàágua, Rector NOVA University Lisbon

José Rui Felizardo, CEO CEIIA

Jorge Morais, Executive Administrator Instituto Marquês Vale Flor

Nuno Sampaio, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation

10:00 3
Challenges to a Safe and Sustainable Future

Why are we far from reaching the Goals?

Jeffrey Sachs, Director, Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University and President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network

Elisa Ferreira, Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, European Commission

Clara Raposo, Vice-Governor Bank of Portugal

Comments Moderator
André Moz Caldas, Lisbon University Júlia Seixas, President SDSN Portugal

11:15 4
Coffee Break

11:45 5
Launch of the SDR 2024 (Sustainable Development Report)

Jeffrey Sachs, Director, Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University and President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)

Guillaume Lafortune, Vice-President and Head of the Paris Office, SDSN

Overview of key findings from the 2024 SDR

Panel discussion:

  • Peter Schmidt, President of the NAT Section of the European Economic and Social Committee, responsible for Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment.
  • Aline Mosnier, Scientific Director of the FABLE Consortium.
  • Ricardo Rio, Mayor of Braga

13:00 6
Lunch Break

14:30 7
Valuing What Counts: Beyond GDP

What was done and how to move forward?

  • Alessio Terzi, ECFIN European Commission.
  • Lara Fleischer, OCDE.
  • João Manso Neto, CEO Greenvolt Group
Comments Moderator
Peter Schmidt, European Economic and Social Committee Joaquim Oliveira, Special adviser of Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms

15:45 8
Coffee Break

16:05 9
Meaningful Youth Engagement in Policymaking and Decision-Making Processes

How to expand and strengthen youth participation in decision-making at all levels?

  • Maria Cortés Puch, vice-president SDSN.
  • Francisco Araújo, founder of os230.org.
  • Ricardo Rio, Mayor of Braga.
Comments Moderator
Catarina Barreiros, Founder of the Project Do Zero Tiago Brandão Rodrigues, former Education Minister

17:30 10
Closing the Day

17:45 - 18:30 11
Session with Youth Organizations in Portugal & SDSN Global

(restricted side-event organized by LIDERA)

08:30 1

09:00 2
Transforming Education

Why current education systems are not accelerating systemic transformation and how they should be transformed?

  • Beverly e Étienne Wenger-Trayner, Social Learning Lab Wenger-Trayner.
  • John Thwaites, Monash University.
  • António Câmara, NOVA University.
Comments Moderator
António Diaz Aranda, México, SDSN Juventude Luis Neves, CEO of the Global Enabling Sustainability Initiative (GeSI) Anabela Pedroso, Corporate Adviser, CEiiA – Engineering and Development Center

10:30 3
Coffee Break

10:50 4
1. Parallel Workshops on Thematic Outcomes for the Summit of the Future 2024

*In english

Meaningful Youth Engagement Transforming Education Beyond GDP
Moderation: Moderation: Moderation:

Edna Costa, Professor Minho University

Sandra Caeiro, Vice-Rector Open University

Miguel J. Martins, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), World Bank Group

Inspiring Cases: Inspiring Cases: Inspiring Cases:

Mariana Maraschin and Teresa Ó Brádaigh Bean

Fundação Gulbenkian, Youth voices in the global arena: strengthening young people’s capacity for climate advocacy

Maria Espinet, Director of EduCaixa, The Challenge Project

Academia EPAL, Skills in Water Management for the Universalization of Good Public Services

Liliana Cunha, Councilor for Culture, Youth, Social Development and Health. Seixal Municipality. Seixal Criativo – Project-based learning and experimentation center

Felipe P. Morgado, SENAI Education and VET Director. Education system in SENAI

Nuno Moreira da Cruz, Professor. Católica R&D centres

Carolina M. Mendonça, Azores Tourism Board, Launching a wellbeing Index

Comments: Comments: Comments:

Nardos Berehe, SDSN Youth

Gonçalo Hall, CEO NomadX & Embaixador Digital Nomads Madeira

Santiago Saura, Vice President SDSN Spain

Mário Parra da Silva, Global Compact President

Miguel Coelho, Alternate Executive Director, World Bank Group

Meaningful Youth Engagement


Edna Costa, Professor Minho University

 Inspiring Cases:

Fundação Gulbenkian, Youth voices in the global arena: strengthening young people’s capacity for climate advocacy

Maria Espinet, Director of EduCaixa, The Challenge Project


Nardos Berehe, SDSN Youth

Gonçalo Hall, CEO NomadX & Embaixador Digital Nomads Madeira

Transforming Education


Sandra Caeiro, Vice-Rector Open University

 Inspiring Cases:

Academia EPAL, Skills in Water Management for the Universalization of Good Public Services

Liliana Cunha, Councilor for Culture, Youth, Social Development and Health. Seixal Municipality. Seixal Criativo – Project-based learning and experimentation center

Felipe P. Morgado, SENAI Education and VET Director. Education system in SENAI


Santiago Saura, President SDSN Spain

Beyond GDP


Miguel J. Martins, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), World Bank Group

 Inspiring Cases:

Nuno Moreira da Cruz, Professor. Católica R&D centres

Carolina M. Mendonça, Azores Tourism Board, Launching a wellbeing Index


Mário Parra da Silva, Global Compact President

Miguel Coelho, Alternate Executive Director, World Bank Group

10:50 5
2. Parallel Workshop Multilateralism and Partnerships

*In english

Organized by Camões, I.P.

Ana Fernandes, President of Camões Institute, I.P.

  • Keynote: Jeffrey Sachs, Director, Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University and President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)

  • Innovative financing instruments for green investments. Carlos Semedo, National Director of Foreign Policy and Regional Integration of Cape Verde. Filipe Nascimento, President of the Autonomous Region of Príncipe, São Tomé e Príncipe

  • The role of Academy. Manuel Guilherme Júnior, Rector of Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique

  • Multilateralism. Ana Paula Zacarias, Ambassador, Former Permanent Representative of Portugal to the United Nations – New York

  • The role of Civil Society. João José Fernandes, Management of the Portuguese NGDO Platform

  • Closing Session. Manuel Lapão, Director of Cooperation of the Executive Secretariat of CPLP

12:30 6
Lunch Break

14:00 7
Accelerating Transformations for a Sustainable Future

Artificial Intelligence for Scientific Discovery for a Sustainable Future. Carla Gomes, Director Cornell University AI for Science Institute, Institute for Computational Sustainability

A New Global Deal: Reforming World Governance. Maria João Rodrigues, President Foundation for European Progressive Studies

Summary of Thematic Contributions. João Ferrão, CNADS National Council of Sustainable Development, Wrap-up of thematic outcomes


Maria João Rauch, SDSN Portugal Manager (CEIIA)

15:00 8
Round Table: Contributing to the Pact of Future

  • Jeffrey Sachs, Director, Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University and President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
  • Ana Fernandes, President of Camões Institute,I.P.
  • Maria João Rodrigues, President Foundation for European Progressive Studies
  • Massamba Thioye, Diretor UN Climate Change Innovation Hub
  • David Donoghue, former Permanent Representative of Ireland to the United Nations
Manuel Carvalho, Journalist at Público Newspaper

16:30 9
Closing Session

  • Nazim Ahmand, Diplomatic Representative of the Ismaili Imamat in Portugal
  • Jeffrey Sachs, Director, Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University and President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
  • Júlia Seixas, President of SDSN Portugal
  • António Leitão Amaro, Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers


Meet the Speakers

Alessio Terzi
Aline Mosnier
Ana Paula Fernandes
Ana Paula Zacarias
Anabela Pedroso
André Moz Caldas
António Câmara
Antonio Diaz Aranda
Beverly & Etienne Wenger-Trayner
Carla Gomes
Carlos Semedo
Catarina Barreiro
Clara Raposo
David Donoghue
Elisa Ferreira
Filipe Nascimento
Francisco Araújo
Guillaume Lafortune
Jeffrey Sachs
João Ferrão
João José Fernandes
João Manso Neto
João Sàágua
Joaquim Oliveira Martins
John Thwaites
Jorge Morais
José Rui Felizardo
Júlia Seixas
Lara Fleischer
Luís Neves
Manuel Guilherme Júnior
Manuel Lapão
María Cortés Puch
Maria João Filgueiras Rauch
Maria João Rodrigues
Massamba Thioye
Nazim Ahmad
Nuno Sampaio
Peter Schmidt
Ricardo Rio
Tiago Brandão Rodrigues
View All

Protocol Hotels

Dear participant, The Conference Organizing Committee has negotiated a set of special prices for you in hotels close to the Conference venue and with metro stations nearby, so that you have convenient access to the Ismaili Center and can also easily get to know the city of Lisbon.

Hotel SANA Malhoa

Epic Sana Marquês Hotel

Exclusive to Participants 15% Desconto
Distance from Event 3.1 km
Additional Information See More
Hotel SANA Malhoa

Hotel SANA Metropolitan

Exclusive to Participants 15% Desconto
Distance from Event 1.0 km
Additional Information See More
Hotel SANA Malhoa

Hotel SANA Malhoa

Exclusive to Participants 15% Desconto
Distance from Event 1.6 km
Additional Information See More
Hotel SANA Reno

Hotel SANA Reno

Exclusive to Participants 15% Desconto
Distance from Event 2.4 km
Additional Information See More

Accommodation reservation is the responsibility of the participants.

About the place

Lisbon Ismaili Center

Ismaili Centers are symbolic landmarks of the permanent presence and core values ​​of Ismaili Communities around the world. These reflect, through their architecture and function, a spirit of humility, outlook for the future, friendship and dialogue, providing spaces for the broadening of intellectual horizons and the fostering of an appreciation of pluralism, as well as for congregational prayer and the spiritual quest.

The Ismaili Center is located in Palma de Baixo, Lisbon, close to the universities and main hospitals, being easily accessible to all parts of the city.

The Ismaili Center, which reflects the identity and cultural heritage of the Ismaili Community in Portugal, is, nowadays, a place visited by hundreds of people. It is characterized not only by being a prayer space for the community, but also by being a meeting point between people from different social and cultural contexts, thus promoting the creation of bridges between various communities.

Smoking is not permitted throughout the Ismaili Center, whether indoors or outdoors.

More information about the center and its architecture at the.ismaili/ismaili-centre-lisbon and Our Ismaili Center! | The.Ismaili

How to get to the Ismaili Center

The Ismaili Center, Lisbon is located about 10-15 minutes from the city center, at Avenida Lusíada, nº 10, 1600-150 Lisboa. The best way to get to the Ismaili Center is by car, taxi or metro. It is just 10 minutes by car or taxi from Lisbon International Airport and also from Praça Marquês de Pombal (where the Conference hotels are located).

Car or Taxi

10 minutes by car or taxi from Lisbon International Airport and also from Praça Marquês de Pombal (where the Conference hotels are located).


Take the blue line and get off at Laranjeiras station. The Ismaili Center is a 5-minute walk from the station, next to Loja do Cidadão das Laranjeiras (a well-known place in the area).

Take the yellow line and get off at Cidade Universitária station. The Ismaili Center is a 15-20 minute walk towards Universidade Católica Portuguesa and is located after the university, on the opposite side of Avenida Lusíada.

There is no car parking available in the Center.

Centro Ismaili
With the high patronage of his excellency
Presidente da República
An initiative by
Institutional Support
Negócios EstrangeirosConselho de Ministros
Sponsorships and Support