Privacy Policy

All content published on this website is the responsibility of SDSN PT and cannot, under any circumstances, be taken as an expression of the positions of co-financiers.

Personal Data

SDSN PT understands the need to protect personal data and respects your right to privacy. Therefore, we ensure that all data that may be placed here will be kept safe.

Collection and Processing of Personal Data

We do not request any sensitive data on our website.

Personal data includes all information about the person. This includes information about your identity, such as name and email.

You can browse our website without revealing your identity and without providing any personal data. In this case, we will only collect general information about your visit.

Purpose of Requesting Personal Data

The personal data collected on the website is requested solely to respond to your request.

Your data will only be used for promotional purposes and dissemination of initiatives, newsletters.

Sharing Personal Data

The personal data collected on the website is accessed solely by SDSN Portugal and is not shared with third parties.


We use Cookies on our website, both to ensure its operation and to improve user navigation.

Access, Change, and Delete Personal Data

To access, change, or request the deletion of personal data collected on the website, you should contact us via email info@sdsnportugal.pt

With the high patronage of his excellency
Presidente da República
An initiative by
Institutional Support
Negócios EstrangeirosConselho de Ministros
Sponsorships and Support