Luís Neves

CEO Global of GeSI

Luís Neves

Luís Neves

Luis Neves is the Global CEO of GeSI responsible for the establishment of the Initiative strategic goals and overseeing all GeSI’s activities. Luis Neves was born in Covilhã, Portugal. He has been holding positions in many organizations and initiatives. In 1992 started an international career in Switzerland and developed an intensive activity at European and International levels. During this period, he participated in different international bodies. In 2004 he was invited to work for Deutsche Telekom in Germany where he led the sustainability department and ended his career in 2017 as Chief Sustainability and Climate Protection Officer and embraced the GeSI leadership up to today.

With the high patronage of his excellency
Presidente da República
An initiative by
Institutional Support
Negócios EstrangeirosConselho de Ministros
Sponsorships and Support